Hi all,
yesterday i tried to play a prank on rahmaniacs, by saying three mp3 tracks leaked from A R Rahman’s next release ‘Blue’…also i put download links …(here is the download page in case you missed yesterdays post :P ..)
i was trying a prank, a joke..but for some people, it turn out to be something else… some of them take it very seriously! i got more many mails and there were some mails with very harsh comments!
i love to put some of those comments here (there are more which i cant post it here with full of F ;)
- Mail 1 : F** u ...!!!! A*s h**e ( common in 10+ mails :P ..and hey i learned some new words …)
- Mail 2 : Stop this bloody game.....Pls block this person from the fan's list...Don't encourage this kind of cruel people.
- Mail 3 : Stop playing with the sentiments of rehman's fans... Please remove this post..
- Mail 4 : cruel :(
- Mail 5 : are u a real rahmaniac???? dont play with our weekness
- Mail 6 : hey....this is sooo...bad.... im totally out f mood nw...cas i love him soooo much
- Mail 7 : What a sh*t prank, you stupid C**T!!!!!!
- Mail 8 : Remove the post..otherwise i will shut ur website..u !%^^&*$
Now, i want to ask something! why you people so serious.. c’mmon brothers ..we are rahmaniacs…i was just trying to do something funny..i never wanted to hurt any one.. so please take it in that sense :(
But I am happy that most people loved this prank … thanks brothers :) (otherwise this thing may become a disaster..you saved me..bros)
Anyway Happy birthday…Ooops Happy Fools Day ;)